Our mission is to drive sustainable demand for British wool in order to maximise returns for our members.

Meet our Shearing Instructor - Andy Barratt

At British Wool, we have over 90 shearing instructors who collectively have over 100 plus years of experience. We spent some time getting to know Andy Barratt from Sailsbury one of our instructors in England.

Details of your farm/shearing/business?

I am an agricultural fencing contractor and shearer.

How long have you been involved in British Wool training?

I started in the year 2000, so a quarter of a decade!

What do you enjoy about your role instructing for British Wool?

I enjoy seeing the trainees progress through the levels and accomplish their goals no matter what they are.  Some trainees even go on to represent their country and break records! That’s a great feeling to know you’ve helped them.

What would be your advice to those wanting to learn to shear be?

Go on as many shearing courses as you can and get the basics right especially footwork. If the sheep is in the right position the blow will just happen, speed will come with perseverance.

How important are the shearing and wool handling courses British Wool offers?

British Wool’s shearing and wool handling courses are a fantastic way to learn essential skills and will open opportunities in the field. With the advanced seals now, Highfield accredited they are recognised across all industries worldwide.

We’ve seen in recent years that the UK is leading the way on the competitive shearing stage and records.  How important are these in raising awareness and in supporting our shearers?

Competitions are a great way of showing quality shearing and Records are a great way to raise public awareness, showcasing shearers skills and inspiring the next generation into shearing and wool handling.

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Meet our Shearing Instructor - Andy Barratt