Our mission is to drive sustainable demand for British wool in order to maximise returns for our members.

Bluetongue virus (BTV-3)

As you will likely be aware it was announced last week that Bluetongue serotype-3 (BTV3) had been confirmed on three premises in Norfolk and Suffolk.

British Wool has summarised the situation and provided links to further resources for members below.  Whilst the only cases identified to date are in England, we would encourage all of our members to keep up to date on this rapidly evolving situation.

Bluetongue is an insect-borne viral disease to which all species of ruminants are susceptible.  Although sheep are most severely affected, cattle and goats which appear healthy can carry high levels of the virus and provide a source of further infection.  It does not affect humans.

The disease is caused by a virus transmitted by certain species of biting midges.   Signs of bluetongue in sheep include:

  • Ulcers or sores in the mouth and nose
  • Discharge from the eyes or nose and drooling from mouth 
  • Swelling of the lips, tongue, head and neck and the coronary band (where the skin of the leg meets the horn of the foot)

Other clinical signs include:

  • Red skin because of blood collecting beneath the surface
  • Fever
  • Lameness
  • Breathing problems
  • Abortion, foetal deformities and stillbirths
  • Death


Cattle and sheep keepers are strongly encouraged to be vigilant and report any suspicions to their vet, be proactively on the lookout for signs of the disease, and to be co-operative if contacted by Defra / Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) for testing.

BTV is a notifiable disease. Suspicion of BTV in animals must be reported to the APHA immediately.

For more information on this and on the symptoms to look out for in sheep visit:

Bluetongue: news, information and guidance for livestock keepers - GOV.UK (

Bluetongue Virus - Ruminant Health & Welfare (

Bluetongue – the latest info and updates from the NFU – NFUonline

The AHDB has organised a webinar on Wednesday afternoon this week to discuss the latest situation - more details and registration can be found here:

Bluetongue virus technical webinars | AHDB

A Restriction Zone is in place in the infected area with livestock movements in and out of the zone only allowed under licence, including moves to slaughter.  The movement of wool is not affected, and all British Wool drop off sites are open and receiving wool as normal.

This is a rapidly changing situation that will most likely result in changes in controls as the situation develops. So we’d encourage everyone to be proactive in visiting the websites listed for the most up to date information and be vigilant in contacting the necessary authorities or your vet if you have any concern on the BTV 3 situation.

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Bluetongue virus (BTV-3)