The Royal Cheshire County Show
19th & 20th June 2018
The Royal Cheshire County show takes place at Clay House Farm, Flittogate lane, Tabely, Knutsford. For 180 years, the Cheshire show has been the premier summertime agricultural event in the North West of England. In 2016 the show reached an exciting milestone when the honour of ‘Royal’ status was bestowed on the show by the Cabinet Office.
With its roots firmly embedded in farming, the 2018 will hold many competition classes for cattle, sheep, pigs and dairy goats, but will also include hundreds of classes for light and heavy horses, show jumping, rare breeds of livestock, poultry, pygmy goats, pigeons, cavies, rabbits and dog show.
Ian Brooksbank our Senior Head Grader, at the Bradford Depot will be judging the Fleece Competetion.
For full details of the event visit their Website
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